Sixth Form Welcome
Welcome to our OUTSTANDING Sixth Form (Ofsted September 2022).
‘The quality of education in the Sixth Form is especially strong. Teachers use their subject knowledge expertly to check on learning. They address misconceptions thoroughly. Teachers help pupils develop sophisticated levels of literacy. Because of this, students produce work of a very high standard. Students with SEND achieve exceptionally well in Key Stage 5. Students in the Sixth Form benefit from a rich personal development curriculum. As a result, they develop excellent levels of commitment to their education and to the community’ – Ofsted September 2022
Life as a Sixth Form student at Roding Valley is both challenging and rewarding. Student academic progress and personal development is our core purpose. We support our students to be successful in all that they do as we empower them to take their next steps with confidence.
Learning is led by inspiring teachers in an academically stimulating environment and with over thirty A-Level, CTEC and BTEC courses available, we will help you achieve your potential in whatever field you choose. Students are given opportunities to learn in a mature, rigorous and innovative environment. Alongside the gains made academically, our students are also equipped with a range of skills and attitudes such as independence, responsibility and resilience that prepare them for success in the wider world.
‘Leaders make sure pupils experience input from a lot of employer and apprenticeship providers’ – Ofsted September 2022
You can trust us to guide you for the next steps of your education – students are supported in securing their first choice universities, and the academic progress made within the Sixth Form is quite simply exceptional. We are currently graded as ‘outstanding’ and progress made by students is amongst the very best in England (in the top 7%) for both schools and colleges.
Whilst we are extremely proud of our excellent results, we also have a desire to develop our students into confident individuals and responsible citizens. All students are encouraged to contribute to the wider-life of the Sixth Form by becoming involved in enrichment activities, charity events and fundraising initiatives. We expect the highest standards from our Sixth Form students and they act as role-models to the younger pupils as we offer them positions of responsibility and leadership.
Students who choose to join our Sixth Form are expected to have high aspirations and high levels of motivation to succeed. Each student is fully supported by our academic and pastoral teams, thus supporting them in becoming well-rounded individuals. Our students are fully advised on all post-18 options that are available to them and are supported in their pursuit of securing places in Higher Education, apprenticeships or the workplace. We are confident that students will enjoy the challenge of learning here and will leave us with both academic excellence and lasting memories.
We would thoroughly recommend that you experience for yourself the inspiring ethos of our Sixth Form and we look forward to welcoming you into the Sixth Form community.
Anjuli Wheaton & Laura Curling
Joint Directors of Sixth Form