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How to Help Your Child

Conflict in Ukraine 2022

We are all facing uncertainty at this time and we will be working with students to ensure they have a grasp and understanding of what is happening in the world. Whilst there are no clear answers as to the ‘best way’ that a school can support their communities – this is, after all, an unprecedented situation – the approach we will take will be flexible, impartial, and based on our children and how they are presenting to us as staff.

This has included acknowledging in a special whole school assembly, that it has happened, the factual history of the relationship between Russia and Ukraine, that feeling worried is to be expected, and reminding children of the opportunities they have to gain support with anything that might be affecting them.

We have reminded students to only trust news from trusted outlets such as the BBC or Newsround.

I have attached the slides from our assembly for your perusal – the content may support further discussion at home.

If you and your family are impacted by this issue, and you feel the need for extra support from us, then please reach out to your child’s Year Progress Leader or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

I want to take this opportunity to also share some additional resources with you as families so that, should you need them, you can access some advice about how to handle these conversations at home.

Current information regarding Ukraine

Supporting your child if they see upsetting content online about what is happening in Ukraine (Childnet)

We should not hide from children what is happening in Ukraine (Schools Week/Children’s Commissioner)

Help for teachers and families to talk to pupils about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and how to help them avoid misinformation (Department for Education)

Information produced previously about war and international violence

How and when to talk to children about war, according to a parenting expert (Independent)

Talking with Children About War and Violence in the World (Family Education, US)

Tips for parents and caregivers on media coverage of traumatic events (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, US)

Please find below information on how you can help your child to achieve in class. This is the information that was shared at the information evenings at the beginning of the academic year.

Parent Forum Resources 2021

1. Supporting your child with self-directed assignments

Accompanying resource presentation

2. Supporting your child with assessments & revision

Accompanying resource presentation

3. Supporting your child during a live lesson

Accompanying resource presentation

4. Supporting your child to stay safe online

Accompanying resource presentation

5. Supporting your SEND child

Accompanying resource presentation