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Home Learning

If you need any help or support with your chillds home learning, then please do contact Mr Miah –

At RVHS, we believe that excellent home learning can aid progression enormously. Our Home Learning is set to engage students, promote progression and build independent study and revision skills. This page will help you navigate some of our main home learning tools.
Download a copy of the Whole school home learning policy

Here at RVHS, we really value the importance of home learning. All subjects will set home learning assignments that support the delivery of their curriculum, to push their students to the best of their ability. We set all of our home learning using Google Classroom. This tool allows us to set assignments and provide good quality feedback

Parent FAQs on remote learning

Parents FAQs on home learning


Lots of our home learning tasks come with videos recorded by our teachers on how to approach the work. Lots of our teachers upload their videos to their subject YouTube channels- please check them out by clicking on the button below


Using Google functions (Classroom, drive, docs, slides)

You may also find our 5 minute video on FAQs on Google classroom useful.