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RVHS Club 100

We would like to offer the opportunity to all of our parents/carers, to join the RVHS 100 Club. It is a great way to support us in fund raising, which both benefits the school whilst also having the chance to win a cash prize. All of the monthly payments received by the club members are distributed equally between the school and the prize fund. Entry costs £1 per month minimum. The more you donate the more chances you have to win!

The draw takes place termly (December, April and July)

There are 3 cash prizes per draw The prizes are as follows:

  • 1st Prize (50% of the prize fund)
  • 2nd Prize (30% of the prize fund)
  • 3rd Prize (20% of the prize fund)

    – This may be subject to change

For a simple monthly subscription of £1 up to £12 for the year, your name will be entered into the draw three times a year, where the lucky winners’ names will be drawn in assembly.

You can pay either by a monthly Standing Order with your bank or alternatively you can pay a minimum annual fee of £12 through your ParentPay Account.

If you would like to join our Club 100, please click on the link to our RVHS Club 100 Form to register your interest and a member of our finance department will contact you.