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Student Voice

‘Pupils participate with pride in leadership positions, such as Subject Ambassadors, House Captains, or in the School Council’  – Ofsted September 2022

‘Pupils value how their voice is heard.  For example, in response to pupils’ requests, leaders installed water dispensers and implemented the Halo Code.  In the Sixth Form, students show an exceptional commitment to the school community’ – Ofsted September 2022

Student Voice at RVHS is an integral part of our school community and in September our Sixth Form Leadership launched a fantastic recruitment video, asking their fellow students to join the Student Voice:

Following a rigorous recruitment drive, our School Council was formed and they represent Student Voice across the whole school.

Our Student Voice meets every half term to discuss key ideas & initiatives that will be launched across the school. In early February a selection of students met with Mr Charlton to present their ideas. 

They brought a ‘wish list’ of things they would like to see happen across the school,ranging from requests linked to the snacks we sell, to looking at how we report progress to parents. For each request that had a clear rationale, pros and cons and most importantly,solutions! Some of these we will be able to implement immediately, and others will need further consideration. 

On the same day they met with Mr Smith – Deputy Headteacher- and discussed our school site and how students feel in different parts of the school. It’s important that all students feel safe as they move around our large school site, so they completed an exercise using maps, highlighter pens and lots of discussion, to speak candidly about where they feel more staff presence at certain times is needed. As a result of this, we have created a Hot Spot rota, where staff will be present during lesson transitions, break and lunch duties to ensure that there is a presence. We hope that this change will make a big difference to those students, particularly in younger years, about how safe they feel on a daily basis.