Pupil Premium
At Roding Valley High School, we believe that only by having the highest expectations of all learners can the highest possible standards be achieved. Some pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds require additional support; therefore, we will use all the available resources to help them reach their full potential.
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was created to provide funding for three key areas:
- Raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and closing the gap with their peers.
- Providing funding for LAC and previously LAC (PLAC).
- Supporting pupils with parents in the armed forces.
Our Objectives
At Roding Valley High School our objectives are to:
- To provide additional educational support to raise the achievement of pupils in receipt
of the PPG. - To narrow the gap between the educational achievement of these pupils and their
peers. - To address underlying inequalities, as far as possible, between pupils.
- To ensure that the PPG reaches the pupils who need it most.
- To make a significant impact on the education and lives of these pupils.
- To work in partnership with the parents/carers of pupils to collectively ensure pupils’
Our Strategy for Success
We will maximise the use of PPG by:
- Assigning a Pupil Premium Lead to champion the educational needs of PPG recipients and ensure the implementation of our policy.
- Ensuring PPG funds can be identified within the school’s budget.
- Consulting the Pupil Premium Lead, Governors, staff and parents/carers when deciding how funds are spent.
- Assessing the individual provisions required for each pupil in receipt of PPG.
Pupil Premium Current Documents
Pupil Premium Document Archive
- About
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Safeguarding
- The School Day
- Our History
- Ethos and Values
- House System and Student Leadership
- ACED Teaching & Learning
- Student Voice
- Personal Development
- Local Governing Body
- Ofsted
- School Staff
- Policies
- Privacy Notice
- Pupil Premium
- Financial Information
- Results
- Facilities for Hire