House System and Student Leadership
The House system was first introduced in 2018 and is now an integral part of our school community. It is student lead; and our ambition is that the House Captains and the School Council would work together to create a strong pupil voice to motivate students and further the community spirit of the school, is now realised.
‘Pupils participate with pride in leadership positions, such as Subject Ambassadors, House Captains, or in the School Council’ – Ofsted September 2022
‘Pupils value how their voice is heard. For example, in response to pupils’ requests, leaders installed water dispensers and implemented the Halo Code. In the Sixth Form, students show an exceptional commitment to the school community’ – Ofsted September 2022
Why Have a House System at RVHS?
- A sense of belonging and and awareness of individual and collective responsibility
- Camaraderie and identity are formed – supports transition into a student’s next stage of learning
- One of the main strengths of the House system is giving students of all ages the opportunity to work together, creating a truly cohesive environment and ensuring that age is not a barrier to friendship and collaboration. This reflects the life that we are preparing our students for life outside of RVHS, nowhere beyond the confines of a classroom will our students be required to work / interact with those only of their own age.
- Healthy Competition is good, it drives our students to improve and it teaches them how to fail.
- A sense of achievement both inside and outside of the classroom, through the fun and excitement through competition
- The House system allows for the promotion of student’s responsibility, “giving all students the chance to learn and develop leadership skills is an outstanding benefit”
Student Leaders and House Captains 2024-25
Student Executive
Our Head Boy and Head Girl are the pillars of our whole school community. They embody ARE (Aspiration, Respect, Endeavour) and play an important role in promoting student voice across the school. They are ably supported by Deputy Head Boy and Girls. They take responsibility for different aspects of student leadership such as House Liason, Charities and Subject Ambassadors.
House Captains
Our sixth formers also have the opportunity to apply to be House Captains in year 13 and Deputy House Captains in year 12. These positions give them the opportunity to lead their house to victory in house competitions. They are required to lead inspirational assemblies and support younger students. Our House Captains lead representatives from each year group lower down the school through the House Leaders positions.
Subject Ambassadors
One sixth former has been nominated by subject staff to represent their subject. They are chosen if they embody all the characteristics to be successful to that subject. They are responsible for promoting their subject as well as mentoring students who need additional support in a particular subject area. Ambassadors are responsible for leading Subject Leaders in the lower years.
Sixth Form Captains
This role requires students to play a vital role in developing the sixth form community. They are responsible for supporting new year 12 with the transition from GCSE to A level and for planning important sixth form specific events, such as the prom.
Our Houses
Charitable Contributions of our Houses
Every year our students vote to decide which charities they would their House Group to support. This year the following chariiries were chosen:
The Organisation of our Houses
- Pupils are assigned to one of the five houses on entrance to the school in Year 7 where they remain until the end of Sixth Form; younger siblings will become a member of the same House.
- Each member of staff is also attached to a House.
- Each House has two designated Year 13 House Captains who will act as representatives for all the students in their House throughout the year by: helping coordinate house teams, organise activities and events and represent their House at relevant meetings.
- Following an application process, from each Year group and each House, two House Leaders are appointed to further develop leadership amongst our students.
How Our Students Earn House Points
Each House at Roding Valley High School is in competition with each other to achieve the highest number of House points at the end of each term and most importantly by the end of the year when there will be prizes. Regular House point totals will be advertised on the House notice boards and TV screens around the school.
Pupils can contribute to their House point totals in a number of ways both in and out of the classroom. All pupils are expected to participate in at least one of the many House events/activities.
- Achievement points – pupils are awarded achievement points for outstanding effort and achievement.
- House activities – every curriculum area provides at least one House activity organised throughout the year for all year groups to enter. These activities are outlined on the school website calendar and will be advertised with further details on how to get involved on the student briefing over the year.
- Clubs – pupils can also earn House points for their involvement with clubs inside or outside school. These can be achieved by pupils showing commitment through high attendance, outstanding effort and achievement. The teacher will then add their House point to their running total, which will automatically count towards their houses overall running total.
- Achievement – pupils can also earn House points for varying achievements such as: Jack Petchey, where students are nominated by staff for showing a positive attitude to school life and its community.
- Extra-curricular competitions – pupils can also earn House points if they regularly enter competitions advertised in school for: representing their school, showing commitment and an active sense of involvement with extra-curricular opportunities.
- Attendance – students who achieve 100% attendance in a term.
To keep up to date with our current House competitions and House Point totals, please click here to open our House Microsite
- About
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Safeguarding
- The School Day
- Our History
- Ethos and Values
- House System and Student Leadership
- ACED Teaching & Learning
- Student Voice
- Personal Development
- Local Governing Body
- Ofsted
- School Staff
- Policies
- Privacy Notice
- Pupil Premium
- Financial Information
- Results
- Facilities for Hire