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ACED Teaching & Learning

Our aim is that the school’s curriculum intent and implementation are embedded securely and consistently across the school. That our teachers have a firm and common understanding of the school’s curriculum intent and how to deliver ACED lessons.

The ACED framework is the facilitator of the ‘implementation’ of our curriculum within our classrooms. Our framework has four strands, and consists of the following elements:

  • Assessment
  • Creativity
  • Engagement
  • aDaptive Teaching

We have implemented our ACED T&L framework as we strongly believe it contains the fundamental ingredients to deliver a successful lesson that can help students from all abilities to progress. All of our students deserve lessons which are pitched at the right level for them whilst providing opportunity and the guidance to help them realise their amazing potential. We want lesson’s that allow all involved to be creative, prepares our students for modern life and not only inspires them, but allows them to make outstanding progress through loving what they learn.

You can read our ACED Mastery Booklet below or download a copy by clicking here.

We ARE excited for the future and know that as we become even more in-tune with our philosophy, the most important people will benefit, our students.

Adam Miah | Assistant Headteacher – Teaching and Learning


RVHS Feedback policy

At RVHS we believe that our ‘Feedback, not marking’ policy drives student progress. We have a whole school policy and the individual subject ones that are tailored specifically to the needs of their students & curriculum.  Please click here to see our feedback policy in more detail.

Our Teaching & Learning micro-site can be viewed by clicking here

Our most recent INSET slides which outline our Teaching & Learning expectations are available to view below.

Click here to view our CPD outline 2024-2025
You can read more about what we are upto with our teaching & learning by following our teaching & learning twitter account @rvhstl